We are a Property Investment company

Turning Long Shots into Winners

We buy houses. Ugly houses. Neglected houses. Smelly houses.

The house next door that makes you cringe. The one that is lowering your property value because nobody wants to live near it. The eyesore everyone talks about…And when we’re done with it, everyone really talks… because it just went Worst to First. It gained Giddyupness!

What is Giddyupness? It’s the Four Horseys personal touch, quality craftsmanship, and a unique style that makes you say Giddy Up! Check out a sampling of Our Work and experience Giddyupness!

Got a house you to want sell us… or maybe that “worst” house next to you? Contact us.

Before After Exterior

Click or slide to see the before/after below…

We are a Property Management company

Providing Triple Crown Quality Rental Homes

For Rent Stock

But we aren’t JUST a Property Management company. We don’t answer to a home owner; we are the home owner. We are a company improving our community by offering our own investment houses for rent.

What does that mean for you as our tenant? It means since we are fully vested in the community, since we are your neighbor… we are invested in YOU! We want you to be a valuable member of our community, and that starts with your home, the house we provide you. When you have “pride of ownership”, the whole community wins. Giddy Up!

Want to rent one of our Triple Crown Quality homes? Fill out an Application

Already our tenant and need work done? Submit a Maintenance Request

We are a Home Improvement company

Maximizing Your Home Value

We are a Community Investment company. So whether we own the home… or you do, we are on a mission to improve the community one house at a time.

Need help with that seemingly insurmountable renovation project? Want to finish your basement to add livable square footage? Require a fence to create a secure play space for your kids? Or just need advice on how to add Giddyupness?

Contact us to see how we can help you maximize your home value.

“It is not more bigness that should be our goal. We must attempt, rather, to bring people back to the warmth of community, to the worth of individual effort and responsibility, and of individuals working together as a community, to better their lives and their children’s future.”
Robert F. Kennedy